Classes are also provided for data description and conversion. 它还提供一些类来进行数据描述和转换。
For example, the RDF standard supports the use of the bags, sequences, and alternatives during data description. 比如,RDF标准支持使用包、序列和替代来描述数据。
The data description classes allow a Java program to describe the record format of a buffer of data with an object. 数据描述类允许Java程序通过对象来描述数据缓冲区的记录格式。
One-class support vector machine ( OCSVM) and support vector data description ( SVDD) are two main domain-based one-class ( kernel) classifiers. 单类支持向量机和支持向量数据描述是两种流行的基于支撑域的单分类器。
In order to solve the problem of insufficient fault samples in intelligent mechanical diagnosis, a new method of one-class classification-nearest neighbor data description method is proposed. 针对机械智能诊断中缺少故障样本的问题,提出了单分类方法-最近邻数据描述法。
One of the most exciting recent developments in geophysical data management is the creation and application of data description languages ( DDL). 元数据服务器。地理信息数据是海量数据,建立科学的数据组织与管当前科学数据管理的最新进展之一,是数据描述语言的发展与采用。
Wavelet package-support vector data description applied in bearing performance degradation assessment 小波包-支持向量数据描述在轴承性能退化评估中的应用研究
In order to improve the efficiency of magnetic flux leakage ( MFL) testing for tank floors, the flaw location, test data description and visualization from anomalistic signals are studied. 针对储罐底板漏磁检测的实际需要,研究了根据异常数据点进行缺陷自动定位、定量描述及可视化的基本方法。
Study on Fault Diagnosis Methods of Rotating Machines Based on Vector Spectrum and Support Vector Data Description 基于矢谱和支持向量数据描述的旋转机械故障诊断方法研究
Analysis of Support Vector Data Description Performance Based on RBF 基于RBF的支持向量数据描述算法性能分析
The research area in production schedule based on artificial neural network includes: data description, optimization computation and knowledge handling. 在本文中,生产作业计划人工神经网络模型的研究可分为三个方面:数据处理、优化计算和知识处理。
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet and Support Vector Data Description 基于小波和支持向量数据描述的故障智能诊断
Support Vector Data Description Based on Adaptive Anomaly Detection Method in Hyperspectral Imagery 基于支持向量描述的自适应高光谱异常检测算法
An Improved Support Vector Data Description Method and Its Application 一种改进支持向量域数据描述方法及其应用
To efficiently resolve outlier detection problem in large scale data sets, an efficient outlier detection algorithm based on Support Vector Data Description ( SVDD) was proposed. 为了解决大规模数据中的异常检测问题,提出了基于支持向量数据描述(SVDD)的高效离群数据检测算法。
New Support Vector Data Description Fuzzy Recognition Method 一种新的支持矢量数据描述模糊识别方法
Research on Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Technology Based on Nearest Neighbor Data Description Method 基于最近邻数据描述法的机械故障诊断技术研究
Fault diagnosis combined support vector data description and empirical mode decomposition 支持向量数据描述和经验模态分解相结合的故障诊断
Fault Classifier of Rotating Machinery Based on Weighted Fuzzy Support Vector Data Description 基于加权模糊支持向量描述的旋转机械故障分类
Security Protection and Intrusion Alarm Techniques Using Image Processing and Support Vector Data Description 基于图像处理与SVDD的安防入侵报警技术研究
Updated Learning Algorithm of Support Vector Data Description Based on K-Means Clustering 改进的基于K均值聚类的SVDD学习算法
Along with the development of internet application, XML became the standard of the data description and data commutative. 随着因特网应用的发展,XML成为数据描述和数据交换的标准,因此大量的XML文档出现在网络应用中。
XML technology is widely applied in data exchanging among heterogeneous systems, because of its excellent data description capability. XML技术由于其良好的数据描述能力,在异构系统间的数据交换中得到广泛应用。
And then the support vector data description early warning technique based on kernelmethod is proposed to solve the problem. 为解决该问题,提出了基于核方法的支持向量数据描述预警技术。
It includes system framework design, data description and parameter configuration, implementation process and database design, etc. 内容包括系统结构设计、数据描述与参数设置、实现过程和数据库设计等。
Data description model of the graphics element is composed of geometrical shape, application property and alternating event. 图元的描述模型由几何形状、应用属性和交互事件组成。
Finally in this section also the number of child and working time to do a data description. 最后本部分还对独生子女的数量和工作时间做了数据描述。
The three-dimensional spatial data model includes the surface model and the volume model according to the data description format. 从数据描述格式的角度划分,三维空间数据模型可以归纳为面模型和体模型两种。
Lists the basic data description of the IUFO, reporting application process, and other business systems interface and performance tuning, budget preparation, adjustment processes, and implementation of control and analysis into the detail. 列出了基础数据的说明,介绍了IUFO,报表应用流程、与其它业务系统的接口和性能调整,预算的编制、调整流程以及控制和分析的实现进了详细的说明。